Tuesday 10 December 2013

Mood boards

Horror Mood Board

We created this mood board to help us visualise possible scenarios in which our opening sequence can take place in. This mood board helps us explore the genre of horror and thriller. We believe that this represents many different horror and thriller scenarios and helps us to understand the darkness and fear behind the horror and thriller genre.
Drama Mood Board

We created this second mood board to convey our ideas about the typical stereotypes of a London drama. Within this mood board we have typical representations of urban London. These images above portray the lifestyles of urban cities and the problems that they encounter. By doing this task, we have been able to establish the settings needed in order to carry out this idea. 


We created two mood boards conveying two different ideas to look at two different genres to give us more options for our opening sequence. As a result of having two mood boards we were able to finalise the genre that we will base our opening sequence on. In conclusion we will be continuing with the horror and thriller genre.

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