Animated Storyboard
Above we have created an animation in order to display our storyboard ideas. This storyboard animation is a graphic representation of how our final opening sequence will unfold, shot by shot. The reason as to why we have created a storyboard is to present our ideas and share a visual aid to help others as well as ourselves to understand the concept of our opening sequence. A story board enables us to save time when filming as it is a plan for production. Following a plan helps as this means we are less likely to forget to film shots. As well as filming, it helps within the editing process as we are able to use the basic idea to piece our clips together according to the original vision. Having this plan will provide us with a solid shot list that will guide us to help the creation process run more smoothly.
When scanning our drawings into the system and linking them together in this animation we chose to play around with some of the effects available on final cut pro. We thought that this would add extra interest into the storyboard by choosing appropriate effects that link well with our scenes. The video camera effect was suitable for this piece as during our opening sequence we are planning to use a number of camera shots, one being a point of view shot that will be videoed by the camera being hand held opposed to using steady cam or a tri-pod.
When scanning our drawings into the system and linking them together in this animation we chose to play around with some of the effects available on final cut pro. We thought that this would add extra interest into the storyboard by choosing appropriate effects that link well with our scenes. The video camera effect was suitable for this piece as during our opening sequence we are planning to use a number of camera shots, one being a point of view shot that will be videoed by the camera being hand held opposed to using steady cam or a tri-pod.
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